

The overall theme for the Summit this year will dive into precinct longevity and ensuring their economic and commercial sustainability. How do we put the right structures, funding models, partners and strategies in place to ensure ongoing precinct success?

  • How to build the networks, programs and partnerships which underpin the success of precincts and support sustainable innovation
  • How do we align national industry policy with state and metro strategy and innovation district strategies?
  • Financing healthcare projects – capital raising, private capital involvement and private investor perspectives
  • Investment attraction and private partners – drivers for them and strategies for success
  • Hospital operator perspectives, expectations, experiences and roles
  • Attracting talent and a highly skilled workforce – how precincts can better support job creation and facilitate pathways
  • What will the Australian Universities Accord mean for precincts?
  • Network planning – exploring government funded projects in each state
  • Startups and bringing entrepreneurship into precincts
  • Driving translation and commercialising medical research
  • Clinical trials – improving capabilities, growing capacity and improving equity and diversity
  • Bringing in new tenants, new ways of thinking and new structures to facilitate new development opportunities
  • First nations and community engagement on precincts
  • Digital transformation and the impact on hospitals and health precincts
  • Convergent technologies – leveraging the opportunity in health precincts
  • The role of government in innovation districts
  • Bringing urban design principals to hospitals and health precincts
  • Data driven decision making to inform a holistic informed vision and plan for the precinct
  • Structured withdrawals and projects on hold – responding, recalibrating and pivoting
  • The non-clinical layer of hospitals in precincts to catalyse a range of land uses and economic activity to improve worker, patient, community wellbeing
  • Bringing in new tenants, new ways of thinking and new structures to facilitate new development opportunities
  • The night-time economy of a precinct
  • The constellation of precincts – creating networks, differentiating and easing navigation for partners


We encourage you to register your interest to speak, and/or nominate topic ideas that you would like to see featured in the agenda this year.

For speaker submissions, please email Frankie Brewer:

DAY ONE | 6 December 2023

3:00 Afternoon Networking Break


Join the interactive Brainstorming Roundtables for more intimate, interactive discussion and knowledge sharing.

At the end of the hour, each table will briefly present a summary of key findings and discussions points to the room at large.

Governance Roundtables Host: Andrew Hoyne, Founder & Principal, Hoyne

AGENDA SESSION A: 3:30-4:30pm

Industry RT1 | Effectively engaging with government

  • What does government look for to invest in precincts? How do they make these decisions?
  • How can industry present their opportunities in a way that meets government criteria and speaks to their need?
  • What sort of data and detail is government looking for?

Anne O’Neill, Acting Executive Director, Office for Health and Medical Research, NSW Medical Research
Professor Kevin Pfleger, Director Biomedical and Health Innovation, The University of Western Australia and the Western Australian Life Sciences Innovation Hub
The Hon Gabrielle Upton FAICD, Former NSW Government Minister, Advisory Board, ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum Biotechnology

Industry RT2 | Industry partnerships and securing private investment

  • At what stage should industry be invited to the table and why?
  • How do we effectively balance public/private investments, interests and relationships?
  • What de-risks the proposition for a corporate client?
  • What sort of businesses should smaller precincts be looking for?
  • Identifying roles and responsibilities
  • What can be put in place to enable trusting relationships between businesses, researchers, educators and the community?

Lance Chia, Director, Investment & Innovation, Liverpool Innovation Precinct
Leisl Harris, Executive Director, Urban Development, Economic Development Queensland

Industry RT3 | Direction setting, vision alignment and finding a focus

  • How of you get multiple partners to fund the same things
  • Ambition and setting expectations
  • Who gets invited to the table, when and why? Should more stakeholders be involved at an earlier stage?

Mark Ames, General Manager, Connect Macquarie Park Innovation District
Melanie Schmidtke, Director, Northern Adelaide Health and Wellbeing Partnership
Peter Livanes, General Manager – Health South Australia, Downer


AGENDA SESSION B: 4:30-5:30pm


5:30 Networking Drinks